Don’t take it from me, these 6 tips from scientists to living longer, make sense but only if you consistently practice them.
The first tip, eat until you are 80% full, can be difficult for some people since we have been told since we were young to always clean our plate. Being full was a good thing and then came dessert! Now we are being told it’s not the best idea to be full.
Tip two is to practice fasting. Again, this goes against the way some have been brought up. Fasting was out of the question when I was growing up, read the article tip and you will see why.
The fifth tip, prioritizing sleep should be a requirement in not just life in general but in certain vocations. Talk to some doctors at a hospital and you will hear they have been working for over 20 hours straight at times and these are the people who are trying to heal us and make us well, when they are needing it themselves! Hats to these doctors.
The entire article is on the website, and after reading, it makes complete sense but creating longevity takes daily practice and mindfulness. I read another article on MarketWatch that people born after the year 2007, have the greatest chance to live to 100 years old but to get there the 6 tips from longevity scientists to living longer as mentioned in this article will need to come into play.