Your nest egg is healthy and you’ve done a good job investing and now you’re ready to retire, but the market is down big time.
What now? Do you have a backup plan for your portfolio in the event you have to take withdrawals in a down market?
Taking funds out of a portfolio in a down market can severely shorten the lifespan of a portfolio. It may be better to not take withdrawal and let your portfolio recover and regenerate which can take time.
This is where a standby reverse mortgage line of credit is something to consider. You can take advances from the line of credit until you or your financial advisor decide to start taking withdrawals from your portfolio again.
Even though the reverse mortgage line of credit doesn’t require you to make monthly payments to pay it back, you can choose to make payments and every dollar you pay back goes back to your available balance to use again in the future in the event you need to use it in another down month or year.
A few other things you may not know about the HECM standby reverse mortgage line of credit:
- The lender can never close the line of credit due to declining property values.
- The amount of available credit grows over time-resulting in more funds to use at your discretion. You don’t have to do anything to access these additional funds, an interest rate is tied to the credit available funds and gets added to the line on a monthly basis. An available line of credit can double in 10 years-all tax free funds to use. No other loan of any kind has this unique feature.
- Your retirement portfolio is tied to market volatility (assuming it’s in or tied to an investment driven by the market), the standby reverse mortgage line of credit is not again giving the retiree an additional option to pull funds from in a down market.
- To maximize the credit line growth, it’s best to do the standby reverse mortgage prior to retirement to give it time to grow-not wait until you’re older (so you get more immediate funds). This has been the traditional thought process for reverse mortgages.
- All the HECM reverse mortgage loans have added safeguards and features the past few years
that make it a product that deserves a second look.
Call Kevin Walton with C2 Reverse for additional creative solutions on how a reverse mortgage can be used to enhance retirement
Cell: 805-276-1942 NMLS 245923