A homeowner 62 years of age can income qualify for a reverse mortgage for over $300,000 with income of roughly $2,000 per month.
How is this possible? We are going to take a look at a comparison on qualifying for a bank HELOC for $200k vs obtaining $200k from a HECM reverse mortgage line of credit.
The income needed to qualify for a HELOC is quite a bit higher than the income required to qualify for the HECM reverse mortgage line of credit.
I made a 10-minute video which will take an actual HELOC applicant’s income and debts and compare the two loans side by side to demonstrate how much income is needed to qualify for each loan.
I think you will be surprised at the difference.
I will also go over how a HELOC can be frozen due to a drop in the home value, and how the HECM reverse mortgage line of credit stays open even if property values drop along with other differences between the two loans.
Click here to watch this video.
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