How is social security calculated? I don’t work for the Social Security Administration or the IRS, but I have obtained the RSSA, Registered Social Security Analyst designation through NARSSA, to enable me to educate my clients, referral partners and anyone who may have a question on how social security is calculated. Reverse mortgages go together with social security like peanut butter and jelly and I constantly get question on how social security works and questions on various types of benefits and reductions. I have access to proprietary RSSA software that can create individualized reports that include side by side annual, monthly and lifetime benefits for several scenarios for an individual or married couple as well as a break-even chart.
In case you didn’t know, social security is not allowed to give advice on how to optimize your social security benefit. It’s like asking the IRS if they can help you save money on your taxes. They do answer questions, but many people do not know which specific questions to ask and when you get off the phone with them, you think of several more questions to ask and have to stay on hold for a few more hours (if you don’t get disconnected first) to get questions answered – it can be frustrating.
That’s where I come in. I can provide social security extra help and give you advice. The RSSA Roadmap software will serve as your own personal social security report. It is 20 pages and is more robust than any other report available and I can generate several scenarios. It can also show WEP and GPO reductions for state employees, demonstrate indexed/inflated income figures which converts prior earning years to today’s dollars which is used to calculate your primary insurance amount, child benefits. as well as the factors used to calculate your PIA and more.
To look at a sample 20-page report you can click here to see how detailed. Feel free to click on the customer client form, fill it out and email back to me or leave your information below and we can set up a free 15 – minute consultation. Prior to moving forward to get laser specific numbers for your report, you would need to download your earnings statement from the Social Security website, there’s a button on your social security account for the download. If you do not want to download your earnings, we can do an estimate on the Roadmap, however it’s not as accurate as having your downloaded earnings. Please note, there is no requirement to apply for a reverse mortgage to obtain an RSSA Roadmap report. I look forward to helping you maximize your social security benefits and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns by filling out the form below.
Kind regards
Kevin Walton