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Please fill in the requested information so that we can email you the sample RSSA Roadmap (with fictitious information) and let us know if you would like to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation.
This licensee is performing acts for which a real estate license is required. C2 Financial Corporation is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate, Broker # 01821025: NMLS # 135622. Loan approval is not guaranteed and is subject to lender review of information. Loan is only approved when lender has issued approval in writing. Specified rates may not be available for all borrowers. Rate subject to change with market conditions. C2 Financial Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Mortgage Broker/Lender. The services referred to herein are not available to persons located outside the state of California.Â
As a broker, C2 Financial Corporation is NOT approved by the FHA or HUD, but C2 Financial Corporation is allowed to originate FHA loans based on their relationships with FHA approved lenders.